Weight Management with Hypnotherapy in Wrexham, North Wales

Achieving and maintaining a healthy weight isn’t just about counting calories and exercising. It all starts with having the right mind-set.
You can lose weight with the help of hypnotherapy, with a plan designed around your needs. Whether you are eating the wrong foods, finding it difficult to discover the motivation to exercise regularly, or even if you need a hypnotic, virtual, gastric band, I can help you become the person you dream of looking at in the mirror.
Together we will set realistic and achievable goals for you to transform into the person you want to become. We will identify the areas that you need to concentrate on, and using hypnosis and visualisation techniques, we will help you change your mind and your body.
This is not a “one solution fits all” answer, but a custom designed program created just for you.
To find out how I can help you become slim, proud and confident when you look in the mirror, in your daily life, wearing that special outfit, or on the beach, contact me for a chat.
To manage or lose weight with Hypnotherapy in Wrexham, or from anywhere around the world via the internet, contact Paul Roberts today on 07909 590 660 or by email – paul@reddragonhypnotherapy.co.uk for your free, no obligation consultation.