Stop Smoking with Hypnosis in Wrexham, North Wales
Many smokers have a personal reason for wanting to stop smoking; it may be for your health, the constant rising cost of tobacco products such as cigarettes, cigars, or even vapes and e-cigs, or it might be for another reason such as work, social life, or perhaps just for the loved ones in your life.
One of the biggest hurdles a smoker has to face is the fear of stopping smoking. As you are probably already aware, the addiction to nicotine is incredibly strong and anyone that has tried to stop smoking in the past will know it can be very difficult. And when it is difficult to stop smoking, you are more likely to fail, and relapse.

But what if I could give you the easy solution to becoming a happy, healthy, confident non-smoker? One who is no longer dependant on nicotine in your daily life? Someone who could happily sit in meetings, or in the pub without needing to satisfy the craving for a cigarette. You would no longer smell of smoke, you wouldn’t have to stand outside in the cold, wet, windy, Welsh weather when you wanted a cigarette, you could have more money at the end of each month to spend on things that would benefit you and your family (perhaps a better holiday, car, or even paying off the mortgage early?), and of course there are the amazing heath benefits that you will achieve by no longer smoking.
And all without the pain, anxiety or cravings that you might experience by quitting smoking “cold turkey”.
Using my proven method of Complete Mind Therapy, visualisation exercises and hypnotherapy I can help you become an ex-smoker – and your new life can begin in as little as 90 minutes!
“After trying numerous ways to stop smoking, Paul’s method was nothing short of fantastic. It’s been 4 months now and I have no urge to light up a cigarette. He’s a very patient and easy person to deal with. I highly recommend him to anyone”
– Mark Thorne
Of course, as with all my life-improving hypnotherapy solutions, you can choose to visit me in my comfortable treatment room in Wrexham, North Wales, or you can join me online via Skype or Zoom from anywhere in the world, and from the comfort of your own home (or even office!) for your stop smoking session.
As well as your personalised stop-smoking hypnotherapy session, you will also receive my specially recorded Complete Mind Therapy Stop Smoking audio recording (as an Audio CD or MP3 download) to listen to at home, to help you on your journey to your new life as a happy, healthy, confident non-smoker.
To stop smoking with Hypnotherapy in Wrexham, or from anywhere around the world via the internet, contact Paul Roberts today on 07909 590 660 or by email – for your free, no obligation consultation.